Thursday, December 10, 2015
Make the Most of Social Media Marketing
The companies that are out spreading their message on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the other social media platforms are the ones that are leading the market. Gaining exposure through social media is a win-win for businesses since there is a relatively low cost to entry and you can reach out to a wide audience in a short amount of time. As your loyal customers and brand followers begin to talk about your brand online, you will gain a loyal following. Converting these followers to customers is one of the final stages of carefully coordinated social media marketing.
How Small Businesses Can Optimize Their Websites
The Internet has been very good to small businesses that have learned how to maximize their exposure on the Web. Visibility and market reach have always been some of the main impediments to a small business' success, and now companies are able to level the playing field with their larger competitors by optimizing their sites for visibility. Search engine optimization lets companies use keywords, links, and third-party content to help their performance take off. If you are looking to improve your performance in Philadelphia or beyond, you need to look at the ways you can optimize your site.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Characteristics of the Top SEO Companies in Philadelphia and Beyond

Philadelphia companies are in a competitive market for their customers’ dollars, and the top companies understand the importance that being seen on the Internet can have on their bottom line. Companies that spend money on search engine optimization are able to see a larger return on their marketing budget than those that don’t. If you are looking for a top SEO company in Philadelphia to jumpstart your marketing efforts, here are a few tips that will help you separate the contenders from the pretenders. Top SEO firms have experience that backs up their claims. The best firms can show the rankings from the pages that they have helped create or optimize. SEO firms that understand how Google, Bing and other leading search engine algorithms work have a big leg up on the competition. They are able to design webpages that are responsive, easy to navigate, and optimized for SEO purposes.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Social Media 101: 3 Key Tactics to Optimize Your Social Media Accounts

Social media has become critical for every modern business. Many companies assume that once they have their accounts set up, they just have to post once in a while, and they’re good to go. Unfortunately, such an approach will yield very little results. Social media requires constant interaction between you and your followers if you wish to make the most out of the platform. Staying up to date on best social media practices and using these practices in your social media optimization plan will add value to your business and, ultimately, drive more revenue.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Are You Unleashing the Power of Social Media?
Social media is playing a more important role in marketing than ever before due to the fact that millennials and other young professionals are turning to social media for more and more of their news, entertainment and education. Finding leads on social media is a great way to generate traffic to your site since you can target customers based off of the preferences that are listed in their profiles. For a fraction of the cost of other advertising methods, you can reach people who will most likely have a connection or need for your product or service.
SEO: A Small Business' Best Friend
Small businesses that are looking to compete against larger
and more established competitors can level the playing field with the help of
search engine optimization specialists. SEO helps brands and products get
discovered by the leading search engines, and it can help a company
dramatically increase their leads. SEO is a combination of links, keywords and
organic content that informs a visitor. Great content is at the heart of any
SEO strategy, and small businesses can rely on companies that specialize in SEO
to ensure that their site is optimized for discovery.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Web Site Designing: How to Create a User-Friendly and Interesting Page

A website is highly important for businesses to convert leads into sales. When optimized properly, it can continuously direct leads into your site and help you increase your revenues. As such, it is highly important that websites are properly designed and optimized to get you the best results possible. It is not enough to just start a website, post some information about your business, and never update the pages again. In many ways your website is a reflection of your business, from the simple aspects like web site designing down to the content that you share, everything will have an impact on your chances for success. Furthermore, you should also make sure that visitors or readers will enjoy your site.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Create an Engaging Post for Best Social Media Optimization Results

Is social media working for you? Many businesses may have heard and followed advices like “get on the social media platform” or “start tweeting for better sales”, but have yet to observe any significant result to their bottom line. If you belong to this category, don’t worry because you are not alone. Many blogs, and marketing advisers make social media optimization seem like an easy task, when in fact it isn’t. Social media isn’t as simple as creating a flier and distributing it to passers-by. It’s called social media, because you need to be “social”; you have to interact and engage with people to achieve what you aim to do.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Avoid Social Media Mistakes with Pro Help
Social media is a great tool to promote your
product. The problem is that it can be difficult to use without training. Here
are a couple of common social
media optimization mistakes, and how to fix them:
What to Look for in Philadelphia SEO Companies
If you’re looking to
improve your online marketing efforts, it’s best to hire professionals. The
problem is choosing the right one. If you are looking for a top SEO company in
Philadelphia to jumpstart your marketing efforts, here are a few tips that will
help you separate the contenders from the pretenders.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Social Media Marketing Helps Build Your Business
In this modern age, many business owners realize that advertising
online is a great way for them to optimize their conversion rates and
expand their loyal customer base. It's important to know that a social
media marketing company can really help your business shine online. Here
are two of many business-building services that social media experts
can offer:
Why Should You Hire an SEO Company?
Business owners in Philadelphia who want to ensure that their
companies remain on the path to organic growth should consider the value
of internet marketing. Since millions and millions of people all over
the world have become online shoppers, advertising your brand via the
Internet can prove economically advantageous. To ensure that your online
marketing efforts prove efficacious, it's a good idea to hire a
professional SEO company. Here are just two of the numerous business-building services they can offer:
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Win Online: Ways to Drive Local Traffic with Help from an SEO Company

Whatever business you may be in right now, you know that, aside from delivering only the best products and services to your customers, marketing your brand online through local SEO is essential for success. You might be thinking that doing simple SEO tricks on your website is enough to get your business an ideal amount of exposure on the top of search results pages—a view shared by most startup businesses. The truth, however, is that doing local SEO these days requires a lot of your time and effort to work, especially now that Google is implementing changes in its algorithms to make a user’s search experience more natural. Now, your aim of doing SEO shouldn’t be simply to rank as high as possible, but to create a website that caters to the needs of your target audience.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Business Tips: Social Media Optimization Strengthens Brand Awareness

Businesses live and die on their reputation. If no one knows about your business or knows it only because of the bad press related to the brand name, then you're going to have problems getting customers. This is why you would want the help of online marketing agencies like KAFE, Inc. They enable you to get your name out there and be recognized. Social media marketing for companies is just one component of the strategies that can ensure that people are aware of your brand. With the recent boom in social media, however, it has grown increasingly important to have a definite social media presence. Here are a few tips on how you can leverage that growing importance into more customers.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Premium Web Design and Other Reasons to Hire a Trusted SEO Company

Any company that wants success online should understand that search engine optimization is important. After all, if a website does not rank well on search engines, it becomes difficult for customers to locate the business in the online arena. Most buyers use popular search engines to gather information about the products they are looking for. Thus, if your website is optimized well to appear on top searches, you are likely to get more traffic, which can translate to better sales in the long run. Here are several reasons why hiring an SEO company in Philadelphia is necessary. Expect professional, top-quality work Search engine optimization is part of what SEO companies specialize in, so expect to get professional, top-quality work. These companies specialize in systems that can help them execute their work seamlessly.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Landing Bigger Social Media Impact
Any effort to
promote a business online nowadays will no doubt include some time working the
social media field. Making the promotions have a lasting recall and bring in
customers to your business, however, may entail involving a capable social
media marketing company in your efforts. Here are some of the aspects wherein
such a move will prove very helpful.
Infographics: The Secret to SEO Success
Every savvy online marketer knows that to
experience SEO success, their website must have quality inbound links. To gain
these, Matt Cutts marketing guru suggests doing excellent, interesting,
compelling, and useful “stuff”. In the early days of online marketing, “stuff” often
meant guest blogging. However, this has grown to become a “spammy” practice
these days, so instead of guest blogging, businesses should turn their efforts to
creating infographics as a link building tactic.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Increasing Brand Awareness through Effective Social Media Optimization

If you are among those who try to push their brands with social media, you probably know that gaining active followers on Twitter and Facebook is much more difficult than it sounds. If you want to increase awareness of your business or website through social media, you need to be creative and daring. Here are the top strategies for social media optimization. Be Engaging It is rare that people go on to social media sites to find dry, clear-cut information. Instead, people primarily use these platforms for entertainment and community. They want to interact with others and hear daily scoops through various perspectives. The Twitter feeds that receive the least engagement from followers are those that are simply not entertaining. Because of this, social media marketing companies suggest that you should engage your followers with jokes, images, and witty dialogue.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Some Social Media Optimization Tips for Businesses
If you want a social media presence, it’s best to get
professional help. Hire an online marketing company to get yourself
started. Once you’ve done so, you can supplement the good your social
media marketing company does by following these simple tips:
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Top Reasons to Outsource Your SEO Efforts
If you’ve recognized the importance of search engine optimization (SEO)
to your business, then good for you. That doesn’t stop there, however.
While SEO is certainly beneficial, it can only work wonders if you
outsource it to a dedicated team of professionals. Why can’t you do it
yourself? Read on.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Three Simple Web Site Designing Tips to Follow for Success in 2015

Your website acts as your business’ online storefront. If your website is eye-catching and piques the interest of your visitors, the higher your chances are of converting those visitors into actual customers. Case in point: 94 percent of web users claim that design is one of the reasons why they do not trust a particular website. If you plan to have a new website constructed for your business in Philadelphia this 2015, know that you have to find the perfect balance between stylish and functional. After all, there’s no point in having a visually stunning website with features that don’t work. With that in mind, be sure to follow these three simple web site designing tips when constructing your website.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Social Media Optimization Tips and Tricks for Small Business Owners

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other social media networks are more than just a way to stay in touch with family and friends. It is now a way for businesses to stay connected with both potential and existing customers. In fact, businesses that have utilized Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have reported customer growth by 52 percent, 44 percent, and 62 percent respectively! If you truly wish to take full advantage of social media as a marketing tool, the best way to do so would be to seek the help of social media marketing companies like KAFE, Inc. This is especially true if you do not have the time to post content on your social media profiles on a regular basis.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Small Biz Tips: 3 Perks of Social Media Marketing
Since consumers
expect to find brands on social media sites, social media marketing is a necessity
for your business. Your brand will be at a disadvantage if you neglect social
The problem is, you probably don't have the time to learn about effectively using social networks. This is where social media marketing companies for small businesses play an important role. They handle your social media strategy, so that you can spend more time on what you do best. Here is a summary of three core benefits they provide.
The problem is, you probably don't have the time to learn about effectively using social networks. This is where social media marketing companies for small businesses play an important role. They handle your social media strategy, so that you can spend more time on what you do best. Here is a summary of three core benefits they provide.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Top Services Offered by SEO Firms
If you are a small
business owner or webmaster who does not have enough time to effectively
optimize your website for search engines and marketing, you may benefit from
consulting an SEO firm to help you out. SEO firms can provide a variety of solutions
to increase your web traffic and attract consumers. Here are a few of these top
Friday, May 29, 2015
Gaining Leverage on Social Media
days, it’s almost always a must for businesses to interact with their customers
over social media. With millions of users, at least a portion of social media
enthusiasts, which could still number in the thousands, are sure to fall under
your target market. It would serve you well to reach out to them via social
media, be it over at Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
SEO Company in Philadelphia: Guidelines in Finding the Right Partner

One of the most important marketing practices that enable a website to perform better is a well- managed SEO campaign. This is something that calls for considerable man-hours, experience and skills, so unless you have all these, you would greatly benefit from hiring an SEO company in Philadelphia instead. It is important that you find the right company for your SEO needs, but how do you know if one is able to deliver good results? A good website is something that helps to market a business. Before hiring an SEO company, it would be good to confirm whether they have a professional website themselves. Having a well- designed website means they will pass the same advantages to you in designing and building yours.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Philadelphia SEO Companies Provide Essential Online Marketing Services

Make sure that you also take advantage of SEO. SEO works basically through the proper use of keywords related to your company’s products and services. If a customer inputs a certain keyword into a search engine, effective SEO can put your company's website on top of the results list. This will increase the chances of a potential customer clicking on your website. Experienced Social Media Marketing Companies like KAFE, Inc. know what it takes to help bring your website to the top of search engine results pages. The process is not as simple as it may seem, given the constantly changing algorithms of leading search engines, particularly Google. The competition can also be daunting, especially to amateurs, so it best to work with the pros to get your desired results.
Friday, May 1, 2015
SEO and Making Users Happy
Google has been making numerous updates to their algorithms over the years, and businesses with a website must be aware of them to win at the SEO game. Search engines like Google are now more concerned about making their users satisfied when they conduct a search, and are also valuing websites that are not only functional but are also frequently visited because of a positive user experience (UX). Websites that align themselves with the aim of making their users happy are the ones likely to be on top of a search results page.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Philadelphia SEO Companies Look Ahead to SEO Trends in the Next Decade

Every end of the year, online marketing experts make bold predictions as to what the future of SEO and other marketing strategies will be in the coming year, and for the year 2015, professionals forecast a rise on mobile usage and content-driven marketing, which are expected to become an essential part of every company’s SEO strategy. On the other hand, only few dared to look further into the future of SEO in the next ten years, and SEO companies in Philadelphia are already beginning to prepare for the future trends that are projected to pervade the online marketing industry.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Effective Social Media Optimization Requires Authenticity to Succeed

To truly have a successful social media optimization campaign, one of the values you must uphold is authenticity. You must present an authentic image on social media, with inputs that are real, meaningful, and helpful. To practice authenticity is to have an equally genuine voice on social media, which will serve as your online identity that is aligned with your brand’s mission and values.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Hiring a Philadelphia SEO Company Ensures Top-notch Digital Content

Digital content is the backbone of many an online campaign, which is obvious in the way the online world is flooded with content from varying sources. The problem with the flood of digital content is that it can be hard to set yourself apart from the crowd, not to mention easy to make mistakes when developing your content. That is why you need to hire an SEO company in Philadelphia to help create the content for you. Here are a few mistakes that they can help you avoid
Friday, March 27, 2015
Let Social Media Marketing Companies Help Drive your Brand Presence

Social media platforms have become the prime channels through which companies engage with their audience. However, beyond posting bland updates on the business’ Facebook profile, it can be quite demanding and time-consuming just having to plan and implement quality content that would interest the company’s audience. That’s what professional social media marketing companies like KAFE, Inc. are in the market for—they will work with you to design and implement online marketing solutions for your website and social media so that you could focus on the substance of your business.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Simple Twitter Tips from Marketing Companies
Twitter is a
great platform for delivering marketing messages. If you aren’t exactly
well-versed with the ins and outs of Twitter, here are a few tips from trusted
social media marketing companies:
Time Your Tweets
there’s no point in tweeting something if the people you want to reach won’t
see what you’ve posted. As with other forms of marketing, timing is crucial in
social media marketing. The best time frame for businesses to post on Twitter
is between 1PM to 4PM. Send out your most important tweets during that time
frame, but feel free to tweet other updates throughout the day.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Why You Need an SEO Company in Philadelphia for Content Marketing

If you want to gauge your online presence, the first thing you have to work on is a web audit. From your website to your social media pages and directory listings, you have to check if your pages are optimized. You also have to determine if the user experience is helping your goals or if it’s holding you back from achieving your targets. When you’re auditing your website, for instance, you have to consider its features and overall functionality. You have to check if it’s easy for users to navigate and land on the pages you want them to find, such as your subscription, contact, or order from. Aside from speed and ease of use, you must also check the quality of what can be seen on your pages.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Social Media Marketing Companies using Tumblr for Customer Nurturing

Businesses that use social media to add more substance to their marketing efforts can consider locking in Tumblr as part of the pool. As Sanjeer Panjwani of Search Engine Journal reported, the site can be just as effective in attracting a suitable number of customers to buy your products or services. That’s where trusted social media marketing companies such as KAFE Digital Marketing can be in a position to aid you. While online marketers working the social media circuit mostly focus on more well-known sites like Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, and Instagram, they can dedicate resources to other social media sites you prefer to use. Among these, Tumblr has its unique benefits.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Remember These when Hiring an SEO Company
If you
have a website and want it to rank high on search engine results pages, you
would have to have a good SEO strategy to increase the site’s visibility. If you
lack the time or technical know-how to do that, then it would be wise to hire an SEO company that can
handle your SEO needs for you.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Faster Horses and Social Media
I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster
quote has been commonly attributed to Henry Ford, but he never really
said it. Regardless, this brings to light a handicap of social media.
left and right are following the public into the realm of social
media hoping to hit the mother lode. One of the aims of businesses in
being present in social media is to get immediate feedback and a more
personal interaction with their market. However, should they believe
all the signals they get from these platforms?
Friday, January 23, 2015
Philadelphia SEO Company: Five PR Strategies You Can Count on in 2015
SEO companies in Philadelphia, such as KAFE Digital Marketing, can help you track down and bring to fore positive reviews about your company while creating positive content to draw your audience closer. This could be done by sharing links of the reviews and PR pieces on your business’s official social media pages.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Simple Social Media Optimization Tips: How to Effectively Use Twitter
In particular, Twitter is a great place to start your social media optimization campaign. After all, the social media giant has thousands upon thousands of unique monthly users, which pretty much guarantees that your target market is on it. If you aren’t exactly well-versed with the ins and outs of Twitter, here are a few tips from trusted social media marketing companies like KAFE, Inc.
Monday, January 12, 2015
SEO: Importance of Link Building
building involves acquiring backlinks that point to your site. These
links make up one of the factors search engines consider when ranking
a site, and are thus important components of an SEO strategy. Given
this, one thing to keep in mind about link building is that search
engines look not only at the number of backlinks, but at the quality
of the links as well. In fact, more weight is placed on quality
links, than on a high number of links.
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